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Successful Social Justice Week Completed...
11th November 2019
Social Justice Week   The students of Killina participated in a very successful Social Justice Week, an initaitive organised by the student-led Global Citizenship Education Committee along with their teacher Ms. Cusack.  The aim of the week was to raise awareness and empathy among...  
Christmas Shoebox Appeal
8th November 2019
Well done to our 1K class and 5th year students who contributed to the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal.   Each shoebox was filled with a variety of gifts from a prescribed suggestion list including toiletries, stationary, clothing, toys, sweets and CDs. Each student could...  
Social Justice Week 2019
4th November 2019
Social Justice Week  As part of Killina’s first Social Justice Week, the GCE Committee has organised a number of workshops and events to create awareness among the students on a wide variety of global issues. Teachers are asked to accompany students to the workshops where...  
3rd Year Munich Trip!!
4th November 2019
42 Killina 3rd year students had a midterm with a difference this year as they embarked on the foreign trip to Munich late Thursday night, the 25th October.  Leaving the school and the Tullamore Court at 2 a.m proved challenging for some, as they got ready to fly out at 7 a.m. On arrival in...  
Open Night Presentation
25th October 2019
Some pictures from last night's Open Night.   It was great to see such a range of interests across all the different subjects and activities that go on in the school- lots of potential chefs, architects, artists, musicians, linguists, carpenters, builders, scientists, entrepreneurs,...  
Open Night a great experience
23rd October 2019
Thanks to everyone who called down to the Open Night last night.  It was a great night, with a great turnout of parents and primary school pupils. Well done to all of our students who helped out on the night, between the trad group and choir for providing entertainment, the Student Council...  
Student Council members attend Comhairle na nÓg AGM
22nd October 2019
On Tuesday 15th October, Student Council members attended the Comhairle na nÓg AGM in the Tullamore Court Hotel.  They partook in a number of activities, including a workshop on how to use breathing techniques to help alleviate stress and anxiety in how to be mindful. In the...  
Quiz for Open night
22nd October 2019
Try this quiz.
Open Night 2019
17th October 2019
The open night for parents and prospective pupils will take place on Tuesday 22nd October. School open from 7pm with the Principals address at 8pm. See the Admissions section of the website for the Admissions policy and enrolment forms.
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Killina Presentation Secondary SchoolRahan, Tullamore, Offaly    Phone: 057 9355706 | E-mail: office@killinaschool.ie
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